Parasympathetic Nerve

Parasympathetic nervus fibers supply the muscular and mucous coats of the vagina and urethra, stimulate the erectile tissue of the vestibular bulb and corpora cavernosa of the clitoris, and supply the vestibular glands.

From: Netter'due south Atlas of Neuroscience (Third Edition) , 2016

The Cardiac Activity Potential

Joseph Feher , in Quantitative Man Physiology (2d Edition), 2012

Parasympathetic Stimulation Slows the Heart Rate past Decreasing the Gradient of the Pacemaker Potential

Parasympathetic fretfulness to the heart originate from the vagal motor nuclei in the brainstem and travel over the vagus nervus (cranial nerve X) to the heart. The right vagus nerve supplies the SA node and slows its pacemaker; the left vagus innervates the AV node and slows its conduction of the cardiac impulse to the bundle of His. The vagus fibers are preganglionic; they make synapses with parasympathetic neurons within the heart. These ganglionic fibers send brusk postganglionic fibers to the nodal and musculus tissue. These terminals release acetylcholine, the main neurotransmitter for postganglionic parasympathetic nerves. Acetylcholine can demark to a variety of receptors. In the heart, its main receptor is the M2 receptor. Bounden to the M2 receptor has two main effects:


It activates a Gi mechanism that inhibits adenylyl cyclase, in opposition to the β1 mechanism that norepinephrine activates.


Second, the βγ subunits released past acetylcholine binding to One thousandi activates an acetylcholine-sensitive K+ channel that carries a electric current called I M–ACh .

These two furnishings tiresome the heart rate by:

hyperpolarizing the SA nodal cells, thereby increasing the time required to depolarize to threshold;

decreasing the gradient of the pacemaker potential past decreasing camp and decreasing phosphorylation of target proteins.

The overall effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation on the SA node action potential are shown in Figure 5.five.4. The subcellular basis for these effects is shown in Figure v.five.5.

Figure 5.5.5. Molecular mechanism of activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation of SA nodal cells. See text for details.

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Pulmonary Pharmacology

Charles W. Emala Sr. , in Pharmacology and Physiology for Anesthesia, 2013

Mechanism and Metabolism

Parasympathetic fretfulness traveling within the vagus nerve release acetylcholine to act upon Chiliad 2 and Miii muscarinic receptors on airway smooth musculus. The nervus terminals likewise express autoinhibitory Grand2 muscarinic receptors that respond to released acetylcholine to inhibit further neurotransmitter release. The M3 muscarinic receptor on airway smooth muscle is a K protein–coupled receptor (Gq) that activates phospholipase C to generate diacylglycerol and inositol phosphates from membrane phospholipids. Diacylglycerol activates a number of targets, primarily protein kinase C isoforms. Inositol phosphates drag intracellular Catwo+ primarily via release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This entire signaling pour is blocked upstream past ipratropium or tiotropium'due south animosity of cell surface airway polish muscle muscarinic receptors (see Figure 26-1).

Inhaled ipratropium is metabolized to eight metabolites that take little to no anticholinergic activeness, and are excreted in approximately equal proportions in feces and urine.

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Autonomic Pharmacology

Stan Thousand. Bardal BSc (Pharm), MBA, PhD , ... Douglas S. Martin PhD , in Applied Pharmacology, 2011

Autonomic Anatomy

Parasympathetic nerves are arranged in a craniosacral distribution. They:

Follow cranial nerves III, Vii, IX, and X (Ten is the vagus nerve)

The vagus nerve is the most of import parasympathetic nerve.

Also follow splanchnic nerves, which ascend from sacral fretfulness

The sympathetic nerves primarily ascend from the thoracic and lumbar spinal roots.

Therefore the parasympathetics anatomically originate from the peak and lesser of the brain and spinal cord, and the sympathetics are in the middle of the spinal string.

Ganglia and Neurotransmitters

For both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, the autonomic nerves exit the brain or spinal cord and and then enter a relay station chosen a ganglion. The function of the ganglia is to transfer (and sometimes modify) the signals from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron. The neurotransmitter for both the SNS and PNS ganglia is acetylcholine (ACh).

The postsynaptic neuron so innervates an organ. If the neuron is a sympathetic neuron, then the neurotransmitter will be norepinephrine (NE). If the neuron is a parasympathetic neuron, and so the neurotransmitter will exist acetylcholine.

The parasympathetic ganglia are located close to the organs that they innervate. Some examples include the ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, otic, and pelvic ganglia.

This is in contrast to sympathetic ganglia, which are located in the sympathetic chain that runs alongside the spinal cavalcade and are located at a distance from the organs. They are described as the "paravertebral (beside) and prevertebral (in front of) sympathetic bondage, depending on their physical human relationship to the vertebral column (Figure 3-1).

ACh is the "preganglionic nerve to postganglionic nerve" transmitter in the ganglia for both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Only special drugs manipulate the ganglia. It would be logical to presume that drugs that influence ACh would accept a stiff influence on ganglia, but they do not.

ACh is the "postganglionic nervus to organ" neurotransmitter for the parasympathetic organisation, and NE is the transmitter for the sympathetic system. It is important to understand this difference, because drugs that focus on ACh will manipulate the parasympathetic organization, whereas drugs that dispense effects related to NE will dispense the sympathetic system.

Special Cases

The sympathetic innervation of the adrenal gland is direct from the spinal cord and uses ACh as the neurotransmitter. The adrenal gland functions equally a special form of ganglion that secretes epinephrine directly into the bloodstream.

Another special case is the innervation of sweat glands. They are sympathetically innervated, but the postsynaptic nervus releases ACh instead of NE.

Autonomic Receptors

ACh binds to muscarinic and nicotinic receptors, abbreviated M and N.

M receptors are on organs that receive parasympathetic innervations.

N receptors are in ANS ganglia and part as nerve to nerve neurotransmitters. Northward receptors are too important in nerve to muscle communication (the neuromuscular junction).

NE (and epinephrine) bind to alpha and beta receptors (α and β). Another name for epinephrine is adrenaline, then these receptors are also commonly referred to as adrenergic receptors.

Subtypes of these receptors be, such as M1, Mtwo, Thou3, α1, α2, β1, and β2. Fifty-fifty more subtype classifications exist than are listed hither, but not all of them are clinically important.

The receptor types that are clinically important include Yard, N, α1, α2, β1, and β2. You must know the distribution and part of these receptors in the torso to understand and predict the effects of drugs that influence the ANS (meet Tabular array 3-1).

Important, autonomic receptors also exist in many parts of the body but office in a way unrelated to the ANS. Some examples include:

Nicotine receptors in the addiction pathway

Adrenergic receptors in the brain, related to mood

Muscarinic receptors in the brain, involved in Parkinson's affliction and related move disorders

Manipulating the Autonomic Nervous Organization

The ANS consists of two systems: the SNS and the PNS. Most of the time, each organization is opposing the other. Therefore to modify this balance, nosotros can strengthen i organization or weaken the other.

↑ Parasympathetic:

Increase stimulation of the M receptors

Give an agonist (vagotonic: the vagus nerve is the primary PNS nerve, hence the proper name "vago").

Inhibit the breakdown or removal of endogenous (the body'due south ain) ACh.

↓ Parasympathetic:

Decrease M receptor stimulation

Give an antagonist (vagolytic).

↑ Sympathetic:

Increment stimulation of the α and β receptors via:

Administration of an agonist (sympathomimetic) that stimulates these receptors

Inhibition of the breakdown or removal of endogenous NE or epinephrine

Inhibition of synaptic NE reuptake by the presynaptic cell, leading to increased NE in the synaptic cleft

↓ Sympathetic:

Decrease stimulation of the α and β receptors

Give an antagonist (sympatholytic) that blocks these receptors.

Requite a drug to pass up the ganglion (relay station).

Ganglionic Pharmacology

An additional machinery of manipulating the ANS is through drugs that affect the autonomic ganglia. They can be ganglionic stimulants or ganglionic blockers. Nigh of these drugs are no longer used clinically and are of historical importance only, because drugs that target the ganglia usually take a wide range of effects and therefore many side furnishings; more than directed, specifically acting drugs that do not act on the ganglia are now available and have replaced them. Some examples of these older ganglion-acting drugs include: guanethidine, hexamethonium, and mecamylamine.

Nicotine is a clinically important agent that influences activity of the autonomic ganglia. As would be suggested by the name, nicotine is an agonist of nicotine receptors and is best known equally a component of tobacco products and for its role in addiction. The major action of nicotine consists initially of transient stimulation, followed by a more than persistent depression of all autonomic ganglia. Effects of nicotine are similar to increasing the effects of the SNS, including increased claret pressure and eye rate. In addition, nicotine is strongly associated with the pathways in the encephalon responsible for reward and addiction.

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Peripheral Nervous System

David 50. Felten Dr., PhD , ... Mary Summo Maida PhD , in Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience (Third Edition), 2016

9.62 Nerves of the Breadbasket and Duodenum

Parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibers distribute to the stomach and proximal duodenum through specific splanchnic nerves and branches of the vagus nerve. Sympathetic fibers decrease peristalsis and secretomotor activities. Parasympathetic fibers increase peristalsis and secretomotor activity (such as gastrin and hydrochloric acid) and relax associated sphincters.

Clinical Point

Obesity may occur for a variety of reasons. The stomach expands, neural satiety signals do not provide effective feedback to the encephalon, and compulsive eating can overcome normal appetitive control mechanisms. In situations in which nutrition and exercise are ineffective for weight control and when diabetes and other serious comorbidities are life-threatening for a morbidly obese individual, bariatric surgery is an option. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure takes the distal 90% of the stomach, the duodenum, and approximately 20 cm of the proximal jejunum off-line; the digestive tract then consists of the esophagus and a very small-scale proximal stomach pouch that is continued with the remaining jejunum (the off-line jejunum is anastomosed farther downstream). This process markedly reduces the stomach's capacity, slows gastric emptying, and produces deliberate partial malabsorption. Long-term information betoken extensive and permanent weight loss in many subjects (more than 70% of needed weight loss) and common reversal of diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and many of the comorbid weather condition that accompany morbid obesity. In add-on, a hit alteration in the secretion of a variety of gastrointestinal hormones, inflammatory mediators, and other mediators has been noted. Autonomic and somatic neural signals are altered, central prepare-points related to appetitive behavior are reset, and changes in morbidity and bloodshed rates have been observed. The Roux-en-Y process is not without risks and complications, and chronic supplementation of nutrients such as calcium, iron, and B vitamins is required. Underlying psychopathology may lead to circumvention of the effectiveness of the procedure.

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Minor Intestine, Anatomy

Gaëlle Boudry , ... Mary H. Perdue , in Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology, 2004


The parasympathetic nerve supply of the modest intestine comes from the dorsal nucleus of the vagus. The fibers from these cell bodies enter the abdominal crenel as the anterior and posterior vagal trunks with the esophagus and pass into the wall of the gut with its claret vessels via the celiac and superior mesenteric ganglia, in which these fibers exercise not synapse. The fibers terminate in the intestinal wall, where they synapse with jail cell bodies in the submucosal and myenteric plexuses. The sympathetic preganglionic fibers have their cell bodies in the spinal cord segment T9 and T10 and enter the sympathetic torso past white rami communicantes. They exit as the splanchnic nerves and pass the celiac and superior mesenteric ganglia, where they synapse. Postganglionic fibers enter the small intestine with its claret vessels.

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Book II

Ronald Southward. Swerdloff , Christina Wang , in Endocrinology: Developed and Pediatric (Seventh Edition), 2016

Nitric Oxide and Erectile Office

The parasympathetic nerves to the corpora are not-cholinergic and stimulate the local production of nitric oxide through activation of nitric oxide synthase. Constitutive nitric oxide synthase is produced by the endothelial cells and nerve terminals where inducible nitric oxide synthase is made past the corporal smooth muscle cells. Nitric oxide produced locally diffuses to the smooth muscle cells and increases the cyclic GMP (guanosine monophosphate) concentration lowering intracellular calcium stores and leading to relaxation of smooth muscles (see Fig. 123-1). Relaxation of smooth muscle results in increased blood flow filling the corpora cavernosa, which compresses on the subtunical venous plexus against the tunica albuginea, decreasing the outflow of blood. During detumescence, the arterial inflow decreases and the venous outflow increases, resulting in the flaccid state. 18

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Toshihiko Shimizu , Norihiro Suzuki , in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2010

Extrinsic parasympathetic innervation

The parasympathetic nerve fibers mainly contain acetylcholine (ACh), VIP, and NOS as the neurotransmitters, and originate from the sphenopalatine, otic, internal carotid, or cavernous ganglia ( Suzuki et al., 1988, 1990, 1993; Nozaki et al., 1993). The postganglionic fibers from the sphenopalatine ganglion climb upwardly in a fine membranous construction and run through the ethmoidal foramen to enter the cranial cavity. They have and then been shown to reach the cerebral claret vessels in the rat (Suzuki et al., 1988; Hara et al., 1993).

In monkeys and humans, postganglionic nerve fibers from the sphenopalatine ganglion achieve the internal carotid artery in the clangorous sinus region, run forth the rami orbitales, and later on join the orbitociliary nerve, which is a recurrent branch of the maxillary nerve (Effigy 3.2A; Ruskell and Simons, 1987; Suzuki and Hardebo, 1991a). Some fibers climb along the internal carotid artery to be distributed to the anterior portion of the circumvolve of Willis, and other fibers run along the abducens nerve and are distributed to the basilar artery, as shown in Figure 3.2A.

The otic ganglion likewise sends parasympathetic nerve fibers to the cognitive arteries via the lesser superficial petrosal nerve to join the greater superficial petrosal nervus. They and so reach the greater deep petrosal nerve and ascend along the internal carotid artery to be distributed to the cerebral blood vessels (Suzuki and Hardebo, 1991b; Shimizu, 1994).

The clangorous ganglion is a small ganglion located betwixt the abducens nerve and the internal carotid artery in the rostral half of the cavernous sinus region in humans. The preganglionic fibers presumably run along the rami orbitales to accomplish the cavernous ganglion. The pathways to the cerebral arteries of the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers originating from the cavernous ganglion are almost identical to those originating from the sphenopalatine ganglion in monkeys and humans (Ruskell and Simons, 1987; Hardebo et al., 1991). It has been revealed that the cavernous ganglion of the rat also contributes to cerebrovascular parasympathetic nervous innervation (Bleys et al., 2001b).

The internal carotid ganglion is located close to the junction between the greater superficial petrosal nerve and the deep petrosal nervus. In rats, monkeys, and humans, the majority of the cells forming the distal group of the ganglion contain the parasympathetic nerve markers VIP and ACh, whereas those forming the proximal group contain the pain fiber transmitters SP and CGRP (Suzuki et al., 1988; Hardebo et al., 1991; Suzuki and Hardebo, 1991a). Nervus section and retrograde axonal tracing experiments using Truthful blue in rats and monkeys have revealed that parasympathetic VIP/Ach-positive nerve and sensory SP/CGRP-positive nerve fibers originating in these ganglia innervate the intracranial segment of the internal carotid artery and its intracranial ramifications.

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Abdominal Pre- and Para-aortic and Inferior Hypogastric Plexuses

R. Shane Tubbs , ... Marios Loukas , in Nerves and Nerve Injuries, 2015

Erectile Function

The parasympathetic nerve fibers of the pelvic autonomic plexus are also responsible for erectile function in males. Mauroy et al. (2003) recognize 3 important neurovegetative mechanisms responsible for erection: (one) adrenergic sympathetics, (2) cholinergic parasympathetics, and (three) sensory motor somatic nerves. The cholinergic parasympathetic component is formed from the parasympathetic fibers emanating from the inductive rami of S2, and particularly S3 and S4, coming together to form the pelvic splanchnic fretfulness (erector fretfulness of Eckhardt), which ultimately become the cavernous nerves later having crossed the inferior hypogastric plexus (Mauroy et al., 2003). These cavernosal nerves, which are also branches of the pelvic nerve that are dissever and distinct from those that travel to the urinary sphincter, can be observed as traveling within the envelope of the endopelvic fascia at the level of the prostatomembranous urethra towards the corporal bodies, inferolateral to the apex of the prostate gland (Hollabaugh et al., 2000). The cavernous nerves, conveying parasympathetic fibers, traveling on either side of the prostate to the cavernous bodies of the penis are largely responsible for initiating the arterial and sinusoidal relaxation that begins tumescence (Narayan, 1991). Keast (2006) reported the expression of androgen receptors by many parasympathetic pelvic neurons innervating reproductive organs. In item, ii well-known targets of androgens in the male pelvis are penile erection due to activation of pelvic parasympathetic nerves and contraction of the vas deferens due to activation of pelvic sympathetic fretfulness (Keast, 2006). However, according to Keast (2006), androgen receptors are not expressed in parasympathetic neurons innervating the bladder or bowel. Alsaid et al. (2009) described the efferent fibers from the junior hypogastric plexus as innervating the erectile bodies at a location that is posterolateral to the prostate and distributed on several levels, relatively distant from the prostatic capsule at the base of operations of the prostate. These fibers were as well observed to exist mainly cholinergic with very few adrenergic fibers innervating the erectile bodies (Alsaid et al., 2009).

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Autonomic Nervous System

Joseph Feher , in Quantitative Man Physiology (Second Edition), 2012

The Parasympathetic Nervous Organization Originates in Cranial and Sacral Fretfulness

Preganglionic parasympathetic nervus fibers originate in specific nuclei in the brain or in segments S2–S4 of the sacral spinal cord. These preganglionic axons (2–4  μm in diameter) are myelinated and brand synapses with postganglionic cells that reside close to or within the effector organ. Thus, the parasympathetic nervous system has long preganglionic fibers and short postganglionic fibers. This is in stark dissimilarity to the sympathetic nervous system in which the preganglionic fibers are short and the postganglionic fibers are long. In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system is more localized and less lengthened. The preganglionic fibers branch far less; the ratio of preganglionic neurons to postganglionic neurons is near 1:i or 1:2 (Figure 4.9.5).

Figure four.nine.5. Connections of the parasympathetic nervous arrangement. This system originates from cranial and sacral centers and is characterized by long preganglionic fibers that synapse in ganglia near or in the organ beingness regulated.

Parasympathetic efferents menses out through cranial nerves III, VII, 9, and 10. Cranial nerve Iii is the oculomotor nerve, originating in the tectum of the midbrain where inputs from the optic nerve provide input for ocular reflexes. Parasympathetic stimulation constricts the pupil and contracts the ciliary muscle.

Parasympathetic output of the facial nerve, cranial nerve Seven, originates in the superior salivary nucleus in the rostral medulla. Some fibers synapse on postganglionic neurons in the pterygopalatine ganglion, which innervates the lachrymal glands and the nasal and palatine mucosa. Parasympathetic stimulation enhances secretion of tears. Other fibers in the facial nerve travel in the chorda tympani, a sectionalisation of the facial nerve, to synapse with cells in the submandibular ganglion. These innervate the submandibular and sublingual glands; parasympathetic stimulation increases salivary secretion of fluid.

Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons reside in the inferior salivary nucleus in the medulla and travel over the glossopharyngeal nervus, or cranial nervus Ix. These synapse on cells in the otic ganglion, where the postganglionic fibers join cranial nerve 5 to travel to the parotid gland. Parasympathetic stimulation of the parotid gland increases its rate of saliva secretion. The glossopharyngeal nervus too brings sensory data into the medulla. The carotid bodies sense the arterial P O2 and P CO2 and relay this information to the respiratory centers of the medulla. Baroreceptors in the carotid sinus sense arterial claret force per unit area and relay that information to the tractus solitarius in the medulla.

The vagus nerve, cranial nerve Ten, is the major parasympathetic nervus. The nucleus ambiguus and the dorsal motor nuclei in the medulla provide efferent output to the vagus nervus that supplies a diverseness of internal organs including the heart, lungs, kidney, liver, spleen, pancreas, and the gastrointestinal tract. Long preganglionic fibers travel over the vagus fretfulness to ganglia located in the target tissues. The right vagus nerve supplies the sinoatrial node (SA node) of the heart whereas the left vagus nerve supplies the atrioventricular node (AV node) (run into Chapter 5.5). Vagal stimulation of the center slows its rate and reduces its strength of contraction. Vagal efferents to the lung control the caliber of the bronchioles through control of the smooth muscles in the bronchiole walls. Vagal stimulation constricts the bronchioles and besides regulates secretory action. Vagal inputs to the esophagus and tummy brand synapses with enteric ganglia. Innervation past the vagus regulates gastrointestinal motility and secretion.

Preganglionic parasympathetic fretfulness originate in the interomedial gray of segments S2, S3, and S4 of the spinal cord. Their long presynaptic axons reach enteric ganglia in the lower portion of the gastrointestinal tract (the descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, and internal anal sphincter), the urinary bladder, and the ballocks. Parasympathetic stimulation causes urination, defecation, and erection, but not simultaneously.

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Physiology of Gastrointestinal Movement

Franziska Mohr , Rita Steffen , in Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease (Fourth Edition), 2011

Extrinsic Innervation

The parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve systems carry efferent extrinsic fibers that connect to the enteric ganglia in the myenteric plexus. The efferent vagus fretfulness contain a combination of preganglionic parasympathetic excitatory as well as inhibitory fibers and sympathetic fibers from the cervical ganglia. The cell bodies of these nerves are found in the dorsal motor nucleus of the brainstem. Excitatory effects are mediated through activation of nicotinic receptors, whereas inhibition of motor activeness is accomplished through NO and VIP release. Stimulation of the pelvic nerves will lead to subsequent contraction of the colon, shortens colonic transit time, and facilitates anal relaxation. When stimulated the hypogastric nerve increases anal pressure through effects on the IAS. The EAS, nevertheless, shows increased activity later stimulation of the pudendal nervus. 35 Experimental review has shown that the distal GIT seems to exist under tonic inhibitory control mediated through the sympathetic nervous system. 36

The afferent fibers of the vagal nerve receive information from the pocket-size intestine and colon through the splanchnic nerves past way of second-order neurons from the dorsal horn of the spinal string. Theses afferent nerve fibers finish in the brainstem nucleus solitarius. The sensory fibers of the anus ascend from the pudendal nervus. Sensory information is gathered through a diverseness of pathways. Free nerve endings respond to chemical stimuli, and mechanoreceptors are activated by passive distention or active contraction. Mesenteric and serosal receptors are thought to mediate visceral pain perception in response to tension or forceful contraction. 37-39

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