What Is Social Media (Sm)?

From Younger Generations to Adults, Social Media has Affect Our Lives!

  • Social media (SM)-is the use of it to support the sharing of content among networks of users.
    • Communities of practice/Communities- social media enables people to course groups of people related by a common interest.
    • Social media information system (SMIS)- is an data organization that supports the sharing of content amongst networks of users.
      • three SMIS Roles:
        1. Social media providers
        2. Users
        3. Communities

Social Media is a Convergence of Disciplines

  • Social media providers- Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest provide platforms that enable the creation of social networks, or social relationships among people with common interests.
  • Users- include both individuals and organizations that use SM sites to build social relationships.
    • >73% of people with Internet admission employ SM
    • 40% of people access SM via their mobile phones
    • ~lxx% of Pinterest users are Females
    • 84% of LinkedIn users are 25 and older
    • ~ 77% of Fortune 500 companies maintain active Twitter accounts
      • 70% have Facebook pages
      • 69% have YouTube accounts
  • Depending on how organizations want to use SM, they can be users, providers, or both.

Viral hook- some inducement like a prize or other advantage, for passing communications forth through the tiers.

The exponential nature of relationships via customs tiers offers organizations both a blessing and a curse. Social media is a powerful tool, and to use information technology well, organizations must know their goals and plan accordingly.

five Components of SMIS

  • Hardware:
    • Social media providers
      • Elastic, cloud-based servers
    • Users and communities
      • Whatsoever user computing device
  • Software:
    • Social media providers
      • Awarding, NoSQL, or other DBMS, Analytics
    • Users and communities
      • Browser, iOS, Android, Windows 10, and other applications
  • Data:
    • Social media providers
      • Content Information- is the data and responses to data that are contributed past users.
      • Connection Information- is information about relationships.
        • It differentiates SMIS from Spider web applications.
        • Both Web sites and social networking sites present user and responder content, just only social networking applications store and process connection data.
    • Users and communities
      • User-generated content, connection data
  • Procedures:
    • Social media providers
      • Run and maintain application
      • For social networking users, procedures are informal, evolving, and socially oriented.
    • Users and communities
      • Create and manage content, breezy, re-create each other
      • The almost troubling case concern user privacy.
  • People:
    • Social media providers
      • Staff to run and maintain application
    • Users and communities
      • Key users, adaptive, tin can be irrational

How DO SMIS Advance Organizational Strategy?

SM in Value Concatenation Activities

  • Social CRM- is dynamic, SM-based CRM procedure. The relationships betwixt organizations and customers sally in a dynamic process every bit both parties create and process content.
    • Flies in the face of the structured and controlled processes of traditional CRM.
  • Crowdsourcing- is the dynamic social media process of employing users to participate in product design or production redesign.
    • eBay- frequently solicits customers to provide feedback on their eBay experience.
  • Business organization-to-consumer (B2C)- relationships to market products to end users.
  • Business organisation-to-business organization (B2B)- leads to retailers

How Do SMIS Increase Social Capital?

Co-ordinate to the textbook, Using MIS, "business organization literature defines iii types of upper-case letter, capital, Human upper-case letter and social capital" (pg 301).

  • Uppercase- Karl Marx
    • The investment of resources for future profit.
    • Refers to investments into resources such as factories, machines, manufacturing equipment, and the similar.
  • Human upper-case letter
    • The investment in human knowledge and skills for future profit.
    • Taking a course is investing our money and time to obtain knowledge that hopefully will differentiate from other workers.
  • Social capital letter- Nan Lin
    • The investment in social relations with the expectation of returns in the market place.
    • Strengthen personal relationships: assist someone get a job, ready a friend up on  date, or introduce a friend to someone famous.
    • Weaken personal relationships: continually freeloading, declining requests for help, and failing to spend time with friends.
  • Social Uppercase Adds Value- Nan Lin
    1. Information
    2. Influence
    3. Social credentials
    4. Personal reinforcement
  • Value of Social Upper-case letter- Henk Flap
    • Determined past the number of relationships in a social network, by the forcefulness of those relationships, and past the resource controlled by those related.

When Using Social Networks Professionally, consider the post-obit:

  1. You gain social capital by calculation more friends and past strengthening the relationships you have with existing friends.
  2. You gain more social capital by calculation friends and strengthening the relationships with people who control resource that are important to you.
  3. Use Klout.com-site searches social media activeness on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites and creates what it calls a Klout score, which is a measure of an individual's social capital.

  • Influencer- Your opinion may strength a change in others' beliefs and beliefs.
    • Such communication is unreliable and brief.
    • Such relationship sales have been going on by word of rima oris for centuries; the divergence hither is that SMIS allow such realtionships to scale to levels not possible in the past.
    • Some famous celebrities become paid more than $x,000 for a single 140-character tweet! (Using MIS textbook, pg 305).
  • Force of a Human relationship- The likelihood that the other entity (person or other organization) in the human relationship will do something that benefits the organisation.
  • The Value of Resources controlled past those in the relationships.
    • At that place is no formula for computing social majuscule, just the iii factors would seem to be more multiplicative than condiment.
    • The value of social capital letter is more in the grade of Social Capital = Number of Relationships x Relationship Strength x Entity Resources than in the form of Social Capital= # of Relationships + Relationships Strength + Entity Resources
    • Resource must be relevant to the organization.

  • Some companies monetize,or make money from, their application, service, or content.
    • By making users the product
    • Users are the product being sold to advertisers
    • "If you're not paying, y'all're the product."
  • Advertising
    • Facebook fabricated 94% of its 2015 first quarter earnings from advertising ($iii.5B).
    • ~90% of Twitter's $436M first quarter earnings came from advertising.
    • Advertising on SM tin come up in the course of paid search, display or banner ads, mobile ads, classifieds, or digital video ads.
      • Pay-per-click- revenue model, in which advertisers display ads to potential customers for free and pay only when the customer clicks.
      • Utilize increases value- means the more people use a site, the more than value it has, and the more than people will visit.
  • Freemium
    • Revenue model offers users a basic service for free and then charges a premium for upgrades or advance features.
      • LinkedIn- sells upgrades to its standard SaaS (Software as a Service) production.
      • ~19% from premium subscriptions
      • 62% from online recruitment
      • 19% from advertising
  • Ad-blocking software
    • To filter out advertising content and rarely, if ever, run into Cyberspace ads.
    • Information technology also reported that the use of advertisement-blocking software grew by 69% over the by yr.
  • Other
    • Sale of apps and virtual goods, affiliate committee, and donations.
  • Conversion rate
    • It measures the frequency that someone who clicks on an ad makes a purchase, "likes" a site, or takes another action desired by the advertiser.

Does Mobility Reduce Online Ad Revenue?

According to Marin Software  the boilerplate click-through rate of smartphones is 3.75 %, while the aforementioned rate on PCs is two.29%. Thus, mobile users click ads more than often and hence generate more than acquirement  (Using MIS textbook pg 309).


How Do Organizations Develop an Constructive SMIS?

  1. Define Your Goals
  2. Identify Success Metrics
    • Success metrics/ Key performance indicators (KPI)
    • Metrics- Are simply measurements used to track performance.
      • The Right ones: Aid you make better decisions.
      • The Wrong ones: Are meaningless and exercise not positively affect your determination making. These are commonly known as Vanity Metrics.
    • Bounce Charge per unit- The % of people who visit your Web site and then immediately leave.
  3. Identify Target Audience
  4. Ascertain Your Value
  5. Make Personal Connections
  6. Gather and Analyze Data

What is an Enterprise Social Network (ESN)?

  • (ESN)- a software platform that uses social media to facilitate cooperative work of people within an organization.
  • Enterprise 2.0- refers to the use of enterprise social networks. Andrew McAfee defined six characteristics that he refers to with the acronym SLATES.
  • Folksonomy- a content structure that emerges from the processing of many user tags.
  • Communication channels- ways of delivering messages, prior to 1980. There were iii major national Telly networks and no more than half-dozen major national newspapers.
  • All-time practices- methods that accept been shown to produce successful results in prior implementations. Having an internal champion or defender of your internal ESN is equally important.

How Can Organizations Address SMIS Security Concerns?

  • Develop and publicize a social media policy,  a statement that delineates employee's rights and responsibilities.
    • Generally, the more technical the organization, the more open and lenient the social policies.
      • Intel Corporation have 3 Key Pillars of Intel's policy in 2015:
        • Disclose
        • Protect
        • Employ Common Sense

  • Organizations demand to determine how they will deal with such content earlier engaging in social media.
    • User-generated content (UGC), content on your SM site that is contributed by the users, is the essence of SM relationships.
      • Inappropriate UGC that can negatively touch organizations.
        • Junk and crackpot contributions
        • Inappropriate content
        • Unfavorable reviews
        • Mutinous movements
  • Organizations should regularly monitor the site and remove objectionable fabric immediately.
    • iii possibilities in such situations are:
      • Leave information technology
      • Respond to information technology
      • Delete it

User-Generated Content Study

Future of 2026?

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