New Cape Canaveral Launch Window Requested; Hardware Issues Forced Spacex to Alter Timeline

Eastern Range commander Brig. Gen. Stephen Purdy: "We are prepared for a huge jump in activity"

The past yr saw 135 successful orbital launches worldwide, surpassing a tape that had stood since 1967. While Cathay edged out the United States 53 to 48, Florida's Space Coast set a one-year launch record of its own.

Thirty-one rockets reached orbit from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and NASA'southward neighboring Kennedy Space Center in 2021 — one more than than SpaceX and United Launch Alliance combined to launch in 2020 from the Eastern Range to pause Florida's personal best of 29 successful orbital launches set in 1966.

Long the busiest space launch complex in the United States, Cape Canaveral and Kennedy extended their combined five-twelvemonth streak as the busiest commercial, civil and military launch range in the world.

Space Force Brig. Gen. Stephen Purdy, commander of Space Launch Delta 45, expects the launch tempo to increase appreciably in 2022 at the Eastern Range, with as many as 66 orbital launches penciled on the calendar.

SpaceX, which launched 28 of Florida's 31 orbital missions in 2021, is poised for another record year of satellite launches and homo spaceflight missions, Purdy said. Although SpaceX hasn't released a launch forecast for the year, a member of NASA's Aerospace Safe Advisory Console said during a January. 27 meeting that the company was planning for 52 launches in 2022 — near of which would launch from Florida.

The Infinite Coast's projected 2022 launch totals besides include several planned launches from United Launch Brotherhood, including the debut of its Vulcan Centaur rocket, the first flying of NASA'southward Space Launch Organization heavy-lift rocket, and an unspecified number of missions for new smallsat launchers from Astra and Relativity Space slated for Florida debuts.

"Nosotros'll see if they hold the schedule," Purdy said of the small launchers. "Simply we are prepared for a huge spring in activeness," he told SpaceNews. "It's a fascinating future for the Eastern Range."

Purdy causeless command of the U.S. Space Force'southward Space Launch Delta 45 at Florida'south Patrick Space Strength Base in Jan 2021. Known as the 45th Space Wing when it was under the Air Force, Space Launch Delta 45 manages launch operations on the Eastern Range, which includes Cape Canaveral and Kennedy.


Several new launch vehicles are in various stages of preparation to start flying from Cape Canaveral and Kennedy over the coming year, including NASA'south Space Launch System moon rocket, ULA's Vulcan Centaur and Blue Origin's New Glenn. "And of form Starship equally well," said Purdy. Elon Musk in Dec announced SpaceX has started to build a pad in Florida for its massive Starship rocket.

Other new arrivals include Astra Space, a five-year-sometime startup that has been launching from the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Alaska, and launched a NASA mission for the first fourth dimension from Cape Canaveral on Feb. 10. The mission failed after the rocket'south upper stage appeared to tumble out of control after stage separation..

A United Launch Alliance Atlas five is transported to Infinite Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. The rocket launched two Defence Department satellites December. vii. Credit: U.S. Space Force

"We're really proud virtually the fact that we managed to onboard Astra to the range and got them ready to launch inside 6 months," said Purdy. "It previously took us over two years to onboard new launch providers."

Purdy said he finds it striking that the vast majority of missions at Cape Canaveral will exist commercial or civil for the foreseeable time to come. Simply three national security space launches are scheduled for 2022. The long-term outlook for military launches is roughly five to eight missions in a single yr, a small percentage of the overall launch activeness.

"We have pivoted to become a commercial spaceport even though our reason to be was national security launch," he said. "It'south really interesting to see this."

To continue up with the need, the range has modified rules and procedures to help increase capacity and conform the fast-moving commercial industry.

"We tell ourselves that we have to mentally plan for 100 launches a year," said Purdy. Even if that target is not realistic today, "information technology helps you lot get into that framework and mindset about what we can do to speed upwards our processes and our technology."


Piecemeal changes at present beingness implemented will add up over time to increase productivity so more launches can be squeezed into the calendar, Purdy said.

Under the FAA's new commercial space licensing rules, for example, fewer workers take to exist evacuated during operations at the Eastern Range'southward iii busiest pads, Launch Complex 39, twoscore and 41. Past changing the take chances analysis, "we tin can safely allow more people in the nearby surface area for a few more than hours," said Purdy. This new rule was first practical before this calendar month when SpaceX launched the Transporter-3 rideshare mission carrying 105 small satellites.

Another recent action past the Infinite Force and the FAA was to renegotiate airspace use with the Navy in order to maximize launch windows, Purdy said. The U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Unit based at Cape Canaveral flies shipping sorties and conducts Trident ballistic missile test launches from submarines. Six were launched in 2021.

These are examples of "things nosotros're doing to cram in more launch opportunities and capabilities," he said.

How launch pads are designed and managed likewise can boost productivity, Purdy said.

Almost of the launch providers at Cape Canaveral and Kennedy lease their pads for their exclusive use, but there are options to launch payloads from multi-user pads which provide more flexibility, Purdy said. "I'thou a big proponent of make clean pad concepts."

And then-called clean pads are intended to be shared by multiple launch companies. Make clean pads provide the basic infrastructure, but the launch providers bring in most of the support equipment needed to fly the rockets, Purdy said. "They launch from a flat physical surface area, and sometimes all they need is water, ability and internet. Then they leave and they take all their equipment with them so the pad is immediately available to other users."

Small-scale rocket operator Relativity Space leased LC-xvi, a pad previously used past the U.S. Air Strength, to launch its Terran 1 vehicle. Astra is launching its first demo mission from LC-46, a pad the Space Strength licensed from Space Florida, the land's economic development agency. "Just our long-term thinking is to move them to LC-48, a clean pad area built past NASA," said Purdy.

ABL Space Systems plans to conduct the showtime launch of its RS1 rocket from Alaska later this year simply is too looking to launch from Cape Canaveral perhaps next year, said Purdy. Yet, that timeline could slip after a Jan. 19 test incident destroyed the RS1 upper stage. ABL's first mission from Florida volition be the launch of 2 prototype satellites for Amazon's Project Kuiper broadband constellation.

Purdy said clean pads are ideal for companies like ABL that pack their ground system into shipping containers in order to launch from a variety of locations.

The Space Strength wants to run across the industry pattern more innovative pads to support an assortment of launch vehicles and fast turnarounds. "I desire to observe a mode so that everybody wins," said Purdy. "How can we apply maximum multi-use launch concepts and build a common pad design that allows maybe 16 companies to launch? That's the stretch goal."


A recent Defense Department inspector general audit plant that both the Eastern and Western Range at Vandenberg Infinite Force Base, California, are challenged to maintain aging equipment, including instruments and telemetry antennas.

In a report published Jan. 5, the IG said the Infinite Forcefulness is at an "increased risk that crumbling range items with obsolete components could limit hereafter launch capacity on the Eastern and Western ranges." But the audit also found that the Infinite Force has successfully supported launches despite these challenges.

"Range detail performance enabled successful launches for the xxx launches we reviewed out of 90 DoD, civilian agencies and commercial space launches that occurred between January 2018 and March 2021," said the report.

Space Force Gen. John "Jay" Raymond, left, chief of space operations, speaks with Brig. Gen. Stephen Purdy, commander of Space Launch Delta 45, at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. Credit: U.S. Infinite Force

Purdy's have on the IG audit is that "they were really gratuitous of what we've done," he added. The issues associated with obsolete spare parts have been known for a long time, he added. "They highlighted some things that nosotros're aware of, and we're monitoring."

Some of the aging instrumentation used at the ranges is needed to back up launch vehicles that don't have automated flight safety systems, which runway vehicle performance and autonomously destroy a rocket if it flies off course. SpaceX has used automated technology for many years, simply Purdy said not every launcher has it. The Space Strength plans to make autonomous flight safety systems mandatory past 2025.

Cape Canaveral is making upgrades to the communications infrastructure, Purdy said, and so launch providers can use their own range instrumentation rather than rely on Space Strength equipment.

Years agone, the Space Force primary of space operations, Gen. John "Jay" Raymond, started an initiative chosen "range of the future" that emphasizes using technologies such equally autonomous systems to make launch ranges more efficient and less costly to operate.

"I really don't like the term 'range of the future,' and I'yard trying to change information technology" because it implies that the Space Force is looking twenty years out, Purdy said. Alter is already happening and will be continuing, he said. "We've been constantly evolving for the final couple of years, irresolute business organisation processes, changing safety assay, irresolute our applied science, and and then we're constantly evolving to become better and faster."

Meanwhile, questions about DoD'south capabilities to support commercial launches have drawn congressional attention.

The 2022 National Defense Authorisation Human activity directs the Space Strength to submit a detailed strategy to modernize the infrastructure at the launch ranges. Congress wants to know what investments are needed to update launch facilities for the new infinite economy and what legislative activity might be required to allow the private sector to assistance pay for that.

Purdy said he is currently drafting content for the report, due in early April. He said the NDAA provision represents a "really unique opportunity" for a national conversation about space launch infrastructure investments and business models to run across hereafter demands.


At that place is no question that space launch facilities have to take hold of up to the new infinite age, Purdy said, noting that they were stood up decades ago for military use when commercial action did not exist.

"The ranges were congenital back in the 1960s, and they were built in an era when all we had were national security launches," he said. The rise of the private space manufacture calls for managing ranges more like a commercial airdrome.

Before the Space Forcefulness was established, the Air Force Space Control in 2019 floated the thought of converting the ranges into multi-use national spaceports that could better accommodate commercial and civil infinite launch demands.

That prospect is still being discussed, said Purdy, but federal spending rules are an obstacle to adopting a commercial business organisation model. By law, DoD is responsible for operating and maintaining the ranges and cannot have individual funding for infrastructure upgrades.

"We have had commercial partners launch service providers come onto the campus and say, 'hey, I want to give y'all money because I need to add together this infrastructure piece to our pad,'" he said. "I cannot take it. I am not allowed to accept money from launch providers to help them practise what they need to do with their pads because of existing rules."

As current police states, "we provide excess capacity to commercial launch providers," Purdy explained. That means the Space Force and NASA can let commercial companies to employ existing launch pads and hangars, and the industry only pays for direct costs such as supplies and utilities.

The problem with that is there are overhead costs associated with all of those kinds of services that the government has to pay for, he added. The growing population of commercial players is putting more stress on the government workforce managing and maintaining services.

At some bespeak, authorities resources will be overwhelmed, "and we're going to slow it down because of that," said Purdy.

The Infinite Strength has been in discussions with NASA, the FAA, the launch industry and Wall Street investors to figure out a fashion forwards, said Purdy. "We need to brand a tweak so that we can accept funds from companies if they want to provide them. And secondly, we accept to take a better approach on infrastructure."

He said information technology is imperative to take a business organization model that allows users of the range to fund infrastructure and services. Withal, "I don't want to dramatically increase the cost to the commercial manufacture. I really desire to maximize our ability to launch, merely nosotros've got to get more into that sort of port authorisation model, where there'due south additional funds that come in then we can become after some of those infrastructure improvements that can encounter all the needs of the commercial providers without having a huge backlog overhead."

These reforms eventually will have to be taken upwardly past Congress. "If nosotros get to a indicate where we desire to exist able to accept commercial funds, that'due south going to require legislation considering I can't do that at present," Purdy said.

Merely growth is a good problem to have, he said. Despite congestion and other challenges experienced at the Eastern Range, it will keep to be a preferred location equally there aren't many alternatives for vertical space launch.

Air-launch companies like Virgin Orbit tin can take off from airfields to deploy small satellites. "As a military commander, I like that flexibility," Purdy said. "If you lot manage to find another location to launch, that's great."

But air launch today is limited to small payloads. The Pacific Spaceport Complex in Alaska and NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia can support vertical launches of smaller satellites. But the reality, Purdy said, "is that if you're talking vertical launch chapters for medium and heavy payloads, there's really only a couple places to practise it: Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg."

This article originally appeared in the Feb 2022 issue of SpaceNews magazine.

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