Creative Ways to Advertise on Social Media

Most brands use social media to showcase their products and services, which makes sense. Simply social media can practice so much more than to bring your make to life. These platforms are all about people connecting to people, and so why not utilize them to testify people who you are? Through civilization marketing, you lot tin spotlight your people, celebrations, jokes, and backside-the-scenes fun—and attract the people who will become your true lifelong fans.

How to Do Civilization Marketing on Social

From LinkedIn and Twitter to Instagram and Facebook, nosotros come across brands posting culture marketing everywhere. But the truth is non everyone does a peachy task.

[bctt tweet="A blurry photograph snapped at a company lunch? Tedious. A rainbow logo for Pride month? Basic. Remember: Good civilization marketing is almost connexion." username="columnfive"]

How can y'all stand up out? Become artistic. Here, we've rounded upwardly some of our favorite IRL examples of culture marketing on social media, along with tips to assist y'all exercise it yourself.

Whether you're looking to educate, entertain, or inspire your followers, we hope you lot find some helpful ideas here.

one) Use culture marketing to show off your lighter side.

Nobody wants to support a faceless, nameless, tiresome make. They want to engage with lively brands full of people with personality. Thus, creating humorous content tin be a powerful way to concenter the right people (as long as information technology'southward advisable).

Don't be agape to show off your lighter side, whether it'due south funny things overheard in the office, pranks, or jokes.

Example: The team at Petsmart takes this to the extreme with a ridiculous video of a potential new coworker.

2) Share company announcements.

Permit'southward be real: In the earth of content, company announcements are usually at the bottom of the totem pole. They're often boring, dry, and irrelevant to anyone just the people inside your company, but that doesn't have to be the case. Social media is a slap-up channel to circulate what's happening inside your company—with a artistic twist.

Instance: When Expedia announced their new CEO and CFO, they didn't do it with a lengthy press release. Instead, they treated their new team members as draft picks, highlighting their career highlights and records. This was a clever fashion to make the news interesting and exciting.

3) Invite people to join in on your fun.

Culture marketing is specially powerful when it makes people feel similar they're part of your team. Wait for opportunities to include your followers in your activities, whether that'due south asking them to caption a photo, do a challenge, or vote on a new product idea.

Example: Since our team works remotely, nosotros accept a weekly company-wide meeting to acquire, connect, hang, and take a fiddling fun. 1 weethou nosotros recruited designer Jenny Famularcano to create a coloring sheet for usa, inspired by i of our core values. When nosotros shared the results of our group-coloring do on social, nosotros also offered the coloring sheet as a free download. This encouraged people to bring together in on the fun—and gave our followers an excuse to take a creative suspension.

4) Share tips, recommendations, and more.

Social is a groovy opportunity to put your employees forepart and center. This gives your employees the shine they deserve and helps your followers connect with the humans behind your make. To give your employees a voice, ask your squad to provide their all-time tips, life hacks, or recommendations, so turn it into a fun roundup.

Example: Gant makes the nigh of employee-generated content by asking their team to share their favorite podcasts. This provides brand followers with valuable recommendations to mix up their amusement while spotlighting the employees' personalities and interests.

5) Enquire or answer questions.

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are all great places to collaborate with people—often because of their built-in tools. Whether yous apply a Twitter poll to starting time a chat or hop on Facebook Live to field questions about your make, encouraging dialogue is a great fashion to demonstrate that you're open up and eager to interact with people.

Example: SAP recruiters held a YouTube Alive Q&A to chat nigh all things SAP: what it's similar to work in that location, dos and don'ts of reaching out to recruiters, etc. This was a great way to speak straight to prospective employees and give them super valuable data that is often kept behind closed doors.

vi) Highlight your perks and benefits.

The perks you provide say a lot about your culture, so they are often a bully source of content. Of course, there's a skeezy way to do this, and there's a natural manner. Your task isn't to brag; it's to celebrate the unique ways you care for your people and bond with them.

Instance: To aid their employees live a more agile lifestyle, Sky Communications has its own on-site gym—complete with its ain Instagram, where trainers offer quick workout tips and exercises. This is a smart way to demonstrate a company do good while welcoming their followers to bring together in.

7) Testify your work.

Yep, much of culture marketing is well-nigh people. Just information technology'due south also about work that drives yous, excites you, and inspires you. Share your passions and excitement by showing people what goes into your piece of work. Whether information technology's a glimpse into R&D, an employee spotlight, or a tour of your new warehouse, these things tin help you connect your piece of work and civilisation.

Example: NASA JPL uses backside-the-scenes Instagram featurettes to show people the fascinating stuff they exercise—and the interesting people who do it .

How to Promote Your Culture Marketing

Every brand approaches culture marketing in its ain manner. In that location isn't 1 specific manner to do it, and things may be influenced by your company size or resources. But there are a few things you tin can do to brand it social civilization marketing easier for your team—and more enjoyable for the people you're trying to reach.

  • Create a civilization-specific business relationship.Some brands prefer to create split accounts for their business organisation and for their culture marketing. Using "life at" is a popular fashion to customize your account. You'll meet examples of this across platforms, such every bit @LifeatGoogle, @LifeatHulu, and @LifeatDell. This can help you build a specific presence (especially if you want to grow your employer make) and help you create community amongst prospective employees, current employees, etc.
  • Utilise a hashtag. If you don't create a separate account, a culture-specific hashtag is a dandy manner to promote your brand, encourage employees to create content, and go on runway of it all. For example, T-Mobile uses the #TeamMagenta hashtag on social platforms.
  • Focus on value. Sure, behind-the-scenes photos are fun, simply try to add more context or color to your posts whenever possible to make information technology interesting. For instance, if y'all're posting a pic of the keynote speaker at a conference, include the most interesting tidbit from their voice communication besides.
  • Give people a next stride. In add-on to social, you can encourage followers to visit your site, apply for a job, or keep tabs with yous elsewhere. The more yous nurture the human relationship, the stronger your connexion will be.

Example: Gallup encourages people to sign upwardly for a monthly newsletter that offers a behind-the-scenes look at their workplace culture.

Nigh importantly, when you approach your civilisation marketing, make sure it is aligned to your overall content strategy.

If you need more guidance in that location, find out how to o create a strong content strategy, come across our guide to culture marketing for more ideas, or bring in expert aid (if y'all demand it). Nosotros're always down to talk shop, too.

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